• Registrar
  • FERPA Policy
  • for Parents
  • FERPA Information for Parents

    Goucher College FERPA Guidelines

    Access to student records

    At the postsecondary level, parents have no inherent rights to access or inspect their son or daughter's education records. This right is limited solely to the student. At Goucher College, records may be released to parents only if the student has given gone into their myGoucher account (under "FERPA") and indicated which outside party (ex. parent) should have access to this information. Parents who have been given access under FERPA by their student, should expect to be asked to provide documentation of their identity when requesting information from their student's education records.

    Grades, progress reports, exams

    Scores and grades on papers and exams, progress in a course, and deficiencies in a subject area, etc., are all examples of personally identifiable information that make up part of the student's education record. This information is protected under FERPA and parents may not have access to this information unless the student has provided written consent to release this information to the parent or the parent has demonstrated that the student is a dependent of the parent.

    Crisis situations/emergencies

    If non-directory information is needed to resolve a crisis or emergency situation, an education institution may release that information if the institution determines that the information is "necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or other individuals." When Goucher College is contacted to provide non-directory information in such a situation, including the location of a student on campus or the course schedule of a student, the request for information is referred to the Office of Campus Safety which evaluates the request and determines whether the situation warrants the release of non-directory information.

    Who to contact with questions/concerns

    General questions may be directed to the Registrar's Office or the Office of the General Counsel. Comments or suggestions should be addressed to

    Graduation clearance, National Student Clearinghouse, academic policies and procedures, BSEP program
    Genevieve Cole